onsdag 24. april 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 4/24/2013

Network Updates, Apr 17 - Apr 24
Featured Updates
Anders Rivin is now connected to Stig Kjos and 10 other people
Anders Rivin
Anders Rivin http://lnkd.in/AZ8gge
Company Pages | LinkedIn
See how LinkedIn Company Pages can help you showcase your brand and connect with your target audience.
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Camilla Fjeldsø
Camilla Fjeldsø I`m hiring! #applikasjonsutvikler #mac #experisit #dev #tech #trondheim
Applikasjonsutvikler MAC
Experis IT er spesialister innen IT rekruttering- og konsulenttjenester på høyere nivåer. Vårt mål er å tiltrekke oss de beste IT-ressursene på vegne av våre kunder, fra konsulenter og spesialister til ledere. Experis er...
Stein Skorpholm
Stein Skorpholm Godt eller dårlig nytt? På lang sikt?
Folk vil ikke ha fliser i fleisen
Folk vil ikke ha fliser i fleisen
Det går ikke helt som planlagt for Microsoft med Windows 8 - på ingen flater!
Paul Jacob Kolnes
Paul Jacob Kolnes Visit Norway (@visitnorway) tweetet kl. 0:02 PM on ons., apr. 24, 2013: Skeikampen is a hiking destination in the Gudbrandsdalen Valley. Stay at the same place and... http://t.co/LRNUrjMpqZ (http://lnkd.in/deSGpJ) Få den offisielle Twitter appen på http://lnkd.in/ah7gzH
Hiking offers in Skeikampen - Official Travel Guide to Norway -...
Hiking offers in Skeikampen - Official Travel Guide to Norway -...
Skeikampen is a hiking destination in the Gudbrandsdalen Valley. Stay at the same place and go on a different hike every day.
Ragnhild Bach
Ragnhild Bach Ledig stilling for erfaren naturfagslærer med Master/Hovedfag eller høyere ved Naturfagsenteret, UiO.
Prosjektmedarbeider i Den naturlige skolesekken
Stilling som universitetslektor/førstelektor er ledig ved Naturfagsenteret (Nasjonalt senter for naturfag i opplæringen), Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo (UiO).  Naturfagsenteret ved UiO søker...
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This email was intended for Snurring Bloggen Min. Learn why we included this. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

onsdag 17. april 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 4/17/2013

Network Updates, Apr 10 - Apr 17
Featured Updates
Anders Rivin is now Owner/Operator at kompetanse bedriften
Anders Rivin has an updated address: Kompetanse-bedriften.no, and other personal information.
Update your information
Anders Rivin is now connected to Kaare Gilhus and 2 other people
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Raj Rasanathan
Raj Rasanathan http://lnkd.in/dTcz9H
Why Positivity Is So Essential in the Workplace
Why Positivity Is So Essential in the Workplace
Most of us are familiar with the terms "economic capital" or "human capital", but have you considered the notion of "psychological capital' and how it relates...
Niels Aall-Lyche
Niels Aall-Lyche :-)
Dynamics CRM Online best i test – PC World 3/13
Etter å ha testet CRM-systemer fire ganger tidligere, begynner vi å få en god oversikt over funksjonaliteten og filosofien bak gjengangerne. Denne gangen er det også med to utfordrere som vi tester for første gang. De to...
Thomas Haugen
Thomas Haugen Win a lifetime subscription to a GREAT Marketing Graphics Membership site! http://lnkd.in/gn6935
Win a lifetime subscription to The Graphics Viking's Marketing...
Would you like awesome looking, weekly updated designs that you can use in your marketing? Then this is for you! Easily enter this contest and win this great prize!
Maria Erving
Maria Erving http://lnkd.in/_Uur_h
The Maria Erving Daily
The Maria Erving Daily
The Maria Erving Daily, by Maria Erving: ~Be True To Who You Are And From That Space Your Real Life Will Unfold...
You are receiving Network Updates emails. Unsubscribe.
This email was intended for Snurring Bloggen Min. Learn why we included this. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

lørdag 13. april 2013

Snurring, get the most out of LinkedIn!

Snurring, LinkedIn logo
Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your new LinkedIn Account.

Get connected to at least 50 people.

Find past colleagues and classmates to help you open the door to new career opportunities.


Build your profile and make sure it's 100 percent complete.

Add your work history, your education, and your skills. People with a complete work history are 12x more likely to receive career opportunities.


Take LinkedIn on the go!

Get the free LinkedIn application for the iPhone, Blackberry, or Android or sign-in through our mobile site m.linkedin.com.

You are receiving LinkedIn emails. Unsubscribe.
This email was intended for Snurring Bloggen Min. Learn why we included this. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

onsdag 10. april 2013

Snurring, welcome to LinkedIn!

Welcome to LinkedIn! LinkedIn Logo
Make sure recruiters and colleagues see all you have to offer.
Snurring Bloggen Min No Photo
Add Photo



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This email was intended for Snurring Bloggen Min. Learn why we included this. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA